【Chapter 1】
Time went passed. I got my books packed, my school work is done and all I have left is my lovely bed left-back at the dorm. I miss my bed already. I walked my way to my locker and unload my unwanted books. I kept a few books with me for studying. As always, I would wait for Seojoo. But this time, she came running towards.
"Rujin-Ah! Come quick! Something's going on at the back!"
She quickly grabbed my arm and tighten her grip. Her force was strong and I can't resist but weaken my stance. It would hurt me more if I try to yank my arm back.
"W-where are we going?!" I asked with concern.
"The back! I told you that already!" She ran with my arm, still in her hand.
We both ran to the back to see Daniel again. He's trying to get something from the tree. At this point, I asked Seojoo to let my arm go and I ran towards Daniel. I look up and saw a poor cat, stuck on a branch. While this was going on, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Minhyun with a female student. Seojoo was also with them.
"Oh, Rujin! You're here!" He smiled.
"Minhyun! You brought someone with you?" I pointed out.
"Yeah... She's actually Daniel's cousin," Minhyun shrugged.
"Daniel! Be careful!" The female student yelled.
"O-oh... I will!" Daniel yelled back in surprise.
I turned to look up at Daniel who is a few centimetres away from the cat. He slowly approaches it and softly grabs the cat. I watch him slowly get down from the tree and he sighed in relief.
"There! You're safe now," Daniel put down the cat on the ground. "Chaejoon, you should be home now."
"O-oh... I was waiting for you. I can't go home when I heard you were getting a cat from a tree!" I assume 'Chaejoon' explains why.
"Silly Chaejoon. I'm fine. Just go home now," He gestures.
"If you say so," Chaejoon turned and ran.
I look at Minhyun who gave me 'I don't know' look. Suddenly, Seojoo pointed to the cat. I looked down to see it staring at me. I kneeled down and pet it.
"You poor cat! You seem lonely and sad when nobody saw you up there," I cooed.
"Yeah, Luckily I saw it a few minutes ago. But I can't keep it," Daniel squatted down.
"Huh?" I look at Daniel, confused.
"It needs a place to stay. Plus, I don't have time to look after it. I'm sure one of you three will," Daniel look at Minhyun and Seojoo.
"I-I'll keep it!" I volunteered myself.
Daniel smiled. He nodded and stood up. Minhyun crossed his arms, glaring at me. Seojoo? She just chuckled. Daniel left after that and Minhyun picked the cat up. Seojoo told me that she had some work to do at her classmate's house. So, that leaves me and Minhyun.
"You just HAD to keep the feline, huh," Minhyun look at me with a pout.
"Y-you know I love cats! Plus, I rather pick this cat than you!" I punched his arm.
"AH! You- Aish... Be careful! You'll hit this cat!" He teased me by turning his back.
"Ah~ Minhyun! Give me the cat!" I tried to get the cat but failed.
"You can't~! You need to agree with me something~," He cooed.
"Aish... You HAD to ask a request," I crossed my arms.
He turned to me and pet the cat softly. But as Minhyun about to ask something, the cat meowed. It kept on meowing until it reached out to me. I look at Minhyun, shocked. He also looked surprised like me. Minhyun gave me the cat and it slowly calms down, purring.
"That's weird..." Minhyun puts his hands in his pockets.
"I guess it likes me better than you!" I stick out my tongue at him.
"Heh, you're right. It makes you both look cute~" He softly laughed.
"H-hey! Says the flirt!" I turned my back.
Minhyun walked to the front and smirked at me. I punched him again to his arm. He winced in pain and started to walk away. I followed behind him. We both walked to our street where both the boys' dormitory and girls' dormitory are. I waved to Minhyun when we reached the intersection. I unlocked my dorm door and walked inside.
"Ta-da~ This will be your home!" I pet the cat as it meowed.
I slowly place it on the floor and it started to walk around. While the cat explores, I went to my bedroom and changed into my comfortable clothes. I checked my bag and took out my Physics book. I also thought it would be wiser to look after the cat while I study. I walked into the living room to see a figure in the kitchen. It was sitting on my counter and eating something.
"Who are you? How did you-..." I asked without thinking.
"U-Uh..." Their voice sounds very boy-like.
"How did you get in?!" I asked again, starting to feel a little paranoid.
"You took me in...?" It replied, unsure.
"Huh? B-but how???..." I questioned myself.
It slowly walked towards me and I am 100% that it was a boy. He has a hood on with cat-shaped ears on the top. He also wears a very odd-looking outfit like a vampire. I look up to his face and saw sharp-looking eyes and his grey-ish hair. I stood there, dumbfounded. I gasped and he quickly covered my mouth.
To be continued...
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